10 Celebrities You Cant Deny Look Like Animals

Publish date: 2024-04-30


One of the best things about people, is that they come in different sizes, shapes, and colors.  The human race is so diverse that it’s actually pretty amazing when you stop and think about it. In fact, some people have looks that are so unique that they’re almost impossible to ignore. Think about this, have you ever seen someone an instantly felt like they reminded you of something else? Not another person, but an animal?  Not that the person is automatically strange-looking or unattractive, but some people have features that seriously resemble animals. Come on, you know it’s the truth! Well, even the stars with all of their money and fame aren’t exempt from this one.  These comparisons will definitely have you taking a second look. Here are 10 celebrities you can’t deny look like animals.

Dr. Phil


Dr. Phil is a good-looking guy, plus, he’s also been known to give him pretty solid; straight to the point advice.  But you’ve got to admit, that smug look he usually has when doling out the secrets to life actually makes him look somewhat like a walrus.  Not that there’s anything wrong with walruses – or Dr. Phil – but this is one pretty funny comparison.

(image via https://twitter.com/DeSietse)

Gary Busey


At the peak of his career, Gary Busey was the man.  Throughout the 70s, 80s, and 90s Busey made dozens of on-screen appearances and has had the pleasure of working with some of the biggest stars in the industry.  However, as talented as Busey is – there’s no denying that he’s a character.  If you’ve ever paid close attention to Busey, or simply even seen him smile, you’ll know that he always has this strange look on his face.  Sometimes you actually can’t tell if he’s smiling or angry – kind of like this little chimpanzee.

(image via https://twitter.com/CaryTardi)



There’s no denying that Rihanna is one of the hottest people in the game.  She’s been known to change her look at the drop of a dime, but no matter what she does – she always does it well. But with that being said, there’s also no denying that she looks a lot like this cute little camel – all the way up to the hair.  If this camel could understand anything about pop culture, he or she would know that being compared to Rihanna is one of the best compliments to receive.

(image via https://twitter.com/omaaezebude)


Taylor Lautner is best-known for his role as Jacob in the Twilight film series.  During his time as one of the film’s stars, he was definitely considered one of the biggest hunks in Hollywood.  However, it didn’t take long before people started to realize that Lautner actually looks a lot like an alpaca.  All the way from the tight-lipped pose to the far off gaze, Lautner and the alpaca actually look like animal twins.  Fortunately for Lautner though, the fact that he looks a lot like a strange furry animal didn’t affect his hotness.

(image via https://twitter.com/FaizRossley/)

Wilford Brimley


Wilford Brimley has had a very successful career in the entertainment industry, and has been working in the business since 1969.  However, at this point, he might actually be most well-known for looking like this angry cat.  Please take a moment to soak in the fact that they actually have matching mustaches. But seriously, you may have seen this picture before, but you probably didn’t even know that this guys name was Wilford Brimley.  But hey, in the age of the Internet, people have gotten popular for even more bizarre things than looking like cats.

(image via https://twitter.com/NitinBajaj)

Michael Cera


A few years ago, sloths had seemingly taken over the Internet. They were literally everywhere – and them memes just kept getting funnier. However, even with sloths all over the place, you probably never noticed that Michael Cera actually looks a lot like a sloth.  In fact, Michael Cera and this sloth look so much alike they might even have the same barber.

(image via https://twitter.com/ChuckDSays)

Samuel L. Jackson


Samuel L. Jackson is one cool dude, and this dog is apparently trying to follow in his foot steps. The glasses and the hat are the perfect touches to this dog’s image, and it’s actually kind of creepy to see the resemblance.  Whoever owns this dog should definitely think about getting him into acting, because of Jackson’s success is any indication of what could happen to this dog, he could be a very rich guy

(image via https://twitter.com/peterkidder)



Jay-Z may be married to the “hottest chick in the game,” but that hasn’t stopped Jay-Z’s looks from being targeted by very critical fans.  Throughout the years, Jay-Z has often been compared to a camel, and it’s kind of hard to ignore the fact that they actually do kind of look alike.  But Jay-Z never seems to be bothered by the comments.  For what he’s worth, he can look like anything he wants!

(image via https://twitter.com/Sonicfan71)

Sarah Jessica Parker


In her role as Sex and the City’s Carrie Bradshaw, Sarah Jessica Parker was definitely running the show.  Viewers all over the world admired her character, but there was just one thing a lot of people couldn’t get over.  Apparently, there’s a lot of people who believe that Sarah Jessica Parker looks an awful lot like a horse.  But hey, if you have to look like an animal, a horse probably isn’t a bad one.

(image via https://twitter.com/DANEgerus/)

Larry King


Larry King is a living legend.  For nearly 60 years, he has worked in the news world as a journalist.  Over the course of his career, King has been involved in some of the biggest stories, and he’s never been one to mince words when expressing his opinion.  But as awesome as Larry King is, that doesn’t mean that him and this little monkey not only look alike, but are sharing the same serious facial expression.  Why so serious, guys?!

(image via https://twitter.com/Jack_Weatherley)

lead image via https://twitter.com/FaizRossley/
