Publish date: 2024-05-25

Anansa Sims is coming to her fiancè’s defense after her ex, David Patterson, decided to sue Matt Barnes for assault. Anansa shared a lengthy explanation of how her former spouse, and father of three of her children, has been harassing her for years.

“The harassment from David escalated after our Christmas engagement,” Sims shared. “In the month of January alone my ex has called the police to our home five times on false claims of us having a scheduled visit. Each time I’ve shown the different officers our Talking Parent messages confirming that we in fact did not have a visit scheduled. This has been extremely traumatizing for our children and neighbors.”

Matt Barnes proposed marriage to Anansa Sims last month. Anansa shared the beautiful moment with her social media fans. “Yes,” Sims exclaimed in the Instagram post.

Anansa and Matt decided to take their union to the next level in December after reported threats coming from her ex-husband in August. “David said since we couldn’t agree on our eight and nine year olds’ football team he didn’t want to babysit our children and that Matt and I could have them full time,” Anansa shared.

“This is all documents with the court,” she added. “A week later in August, he threatened to come up to their football practice with his Glock handgun to confront me and the head coach of our sons’ team. I filed for a restraining order the next day.”

Sims was granted a restraining order against her ex last November. “David was placed on supervised visits due to the nature of the restraining order,” the celebrity mom told her supporters. “My ex-husband threatened to run me over with his car and gladly watch all the blood leak out of my body. He said this to me in front of our children at their baseball tryouts. He also threatened to kill Matt with his Glock multiple times in front of our children.”

In addition to threatening her and her fiancè, David has also allegedly threatened Matt Barnes’ twin sons whom he shares with Gloria Govan. “When my ex-husband came after the twins, I was furious and I knew he would not stop,” Anansa shared.

David Patterson and Matt Barnes reportedly got into an altercation at Levi Stadium a few weeks ago. Matt was recorded spitting on Anansa’s ex-husband during the disagreement.

“David has said in text messages recently that he was going to end Matt’s podcast and ESPN career, so when I learned about the altercation at Levi Stadium I knew David was trying to bait Matt into hitting him,” Sims revealed in her revelation this past weekend. “My ex-husband had just sent police officers to our home days before that game on false scheduled visit claims,” Anansa shared.

“At this point, I’m exhausted,” the celebrity mom said near the end of her open letter. “David has gone above and beyond to hurt Matt and I and it has unfortunately affected our children,” Anansa shared. “It breaks my heart that Matt is being blamed for this altercation,” Sims told her fans.

“My ex has been harassing Matt and his twin sons [who are] two innocent kids who have done nothing wrong. Matt was defending himself at Levi Stadium in a situation that David purposely created to provoke Matt and hurt our family. I pray my ex-husband gets the help he needs for the sake of our children and for the safety of Matt and me.”

David Patterson and Anansa Sims were married for seven years before ending their marriage in 2017. They have two sons, Benjamin and David III, and a daughter named Ava together. Matt and Anansa have one son, Ashton, together.

Photo: Anansa Sims/Instagram
