Can you skip cutscenes in God of War Ragnarok?

Publish date: 2024-04-27

God of War Ragnarok has been taking the world by storm lately. The title explores the adventures of Kratos and Atreus as they venture through the nine different realms of the universe. During their explorations, they come across many Norse Gods including Odin, Tyr and the mighty Thor himself.

Since it's a single player RPG, a major part of the storyline in God of War Ragnarok is revealed through cutscenes. And given how important storylines are in a game, these cutscenes are of absolute importance as well. While cutscenes can be downright annoying at times, no matter how hard players try, cutscenes cannot be skipped in this title.

Why can players not skip cutscenes in God of War Ragnarok?

Unlike many other titles in the market today, God of War Ragnarok is completely driven by its storyline. In fact, the storyline is a huge part of the overall God of War experience itself. Thus, to provide players with the best possible experience, the developers at Santa Monica Studios have not included the feature that allows players to skip cutscenes in the game.

Even when players begin a new game, they cannot skip cutscenes at all. While this might sound disappointing to some players, it's actually a good thing. For games, telling a story through a cutscene is comparatively easier that putting forward a narrative through a mission. The only thing that comes close to a cutscene is the lore text, which a lot of players don't read either.

Keeping that in mind, having a cutscene makes the overall storytelling of the game very easy. And since these cutscenes are unskippable, the developers have somewhat made sure that players don't miss out on an important aspect in the story.

Will players be able to skip cutscenes in God of War Ragnarok in the future?

This is a difficult question to answer. Santa Monica Studios did spend a lot of time working on each and every aspect of God of War Ragnarok. And the cutscenes that are in the game are a testimony to the fact that they've actually put in the elbow grease.

It's highly unlikely that there will be an update that will allow players to skip cutscenes sometime in the near future, but it's hard to completely disregard that possibility either. Something of this sort might be available in the game when the PC port becomes a reality, but then there's no estimated date yet for when the game goes live on PC itself.

Until then, players will have to sit back and enjoy each and every cutscene that they come across in the game. There are other areas as well, that have the potential to keep players hooked for the most part.

From the elaborate storyline, to the Berserker Souls and all the Nornir Chests, players have a lot of things to do in God of War Ragnarok, especially when they're tired of all the Draugrs and other enemies that they have to face in the game.

While the ending is a big shocker, it's going to be interesting to see how the studio plans on taking the story forward from this point onwards.

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