Charles Oliveira offers insight into legendary hard sparring sessions at Chute Boxe

Publish date: 2024-05-31

Charles Oliveira has given fans insight into the gruelingly difficult sparring sessions he has been going through at the Chute Boxe Academy ahead of his UFC 280 lightweight title bout against Islam Makhachev.

Chute Boxe Academy is a Brazilian mixed martial arts gym that opened in 1978. The gym has now branched out and has multiple locations around Brazil as well as one in Long Beach, California. The academy has one current title holder, Bellator women's featherweight champion Cris Cyborg, and previously Charles Oliveira before he was controversially stripped of his 155lb title back in May.

The gym is notorious for its intense sparring sessions and non-stop work that is designed to test not only fighters' physical strength but their mental strength too.

In a recent interview with FULL SEND MMA, 'Do Bronx' detailed his experiences with the exhausting training he's been undertaking there:

"If you want peace, you want peace. if you want war, war is going to come to you. This is what Chute does, we go hard all the time. Chute Boxe has always been this way and is going to continue to be this way... I've heard some things this week that it takes people a week to really get going [during fight camps]. Come to Chute Boxe, things will happen in a day!"

Catch the full interview with Charles Oliveira here:

Charles Oliveira wants to fight Conor McGregor in Brazil

Despite preparing to set foot in the octagon at UFC 280 against Islam Makhachev, Charles Oliveira already has his eyes on his next opponent, Conor McGregor.

The Brazilian had been campaigning for a bout against 'Notorious' for some time before he signed on the dotted line to face the talented Russian later this year. Oliveira believes if he can recapture his lightweight title, the UFC and McGregor himself won't be able to prevent them facing off.

Speaking to ESPN's Brett Okamoto, the 32-year-old stated that he wants to headline a card in his home country of Brazil against the Irishman:

"I like the narrative. It would be so perfect. We've been asking for this fight in Brazil so hopefully it works out. I really do [see the fight happening]. That's the sole reason why I accepted this fight [against Islam Makhachev]. I know the more victories I have, the better chance, so this is a step forward towards that fight. I'd like to leave the octagon knowing who I'm fighting next."

Catch Charles Oliveira discussing Conor McGregor here:

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