How much are Bearer Bonds worth in GTA Onlines Cayo Perico Heist?

Publish date: 2024-06-05

The Cayo Perico Heist's Bearer Bonds are worth $1,100,000 on normal difficulty while being valued at $1,210,000 on the harder version in GTA Online.

This potential take makes it more worthwhile than the Ruby Necklace or a Sinsimito Tequila. However, it's also less valuable than the Pink Diamond or the Panther Statue (only available in event weeks). There are also secondary targets and elite challenges to consider.

The highest bonus GTA Online players can get from the hard mode's elite challenges is $100,000. There is also the $499,788 from the gold second target. The Bearer Bond's maximum value is $1,210,000. Add it all together to get $1,809,788 (doesn't include a possible $99,000 from El Rubio's safe).

How much are Bearer Bonds worth in GTA Online's The Cayo Perico Heist?

GTA Online players can earn either $1,100,000 or $1,210,000 from Bearer Bonds for the normal or hard difficulties, respectively. The Cayo Perico Heist's Bearer Bonds are valued in the middle of what players could possibly earn:

The setup cost for all of these primary targets will always be $25,000, regardless of which one it is.

Secondary targets

A player picking up some gold (Image via Vil2486i)

GTA Online's The Cayo Perico Heist is very cost-efficient. Players can easily make significant profits upon grinding this heist. It's worth noting that there are secondary targets in addition to the Bearer Bonds.

These secondary targets are priced at what players can earn if they reach their lootbag's maximum limit. If these targets are not dealt with, then the GTA Online player will make substantially less.

Elite challenges

GTA Online players can earn an extra $100K through the elite challenges (Image via Rockstar Games)

GTA Online players earn nearly half a million with Gold and a little over a million dollars for the Bearer Bonds themselves. However, they can also make more through The Cayo Perico Heist's elite challenges.

They will earn $50,000 for doing The Cayo Perico Heist's elite challenge. This bonus becomes $100,000 if it's in hard mode. Utilizing the quick restart approach will automatically forego any elite challenge bonuses.

The Cayo Perico Heist's elite challenges are:

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