How to get a Leaf Stone in Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Publish date: 2024-05-17

Finding a Leaf Stone in Pokemon Legends: Arceus will help trainers complete their Pokedex.

All evolution stones are practically necessary since they are the only way to evolve certain Pokemon. There is also no shop that sells these stones for money, like the Celadon City Department Store in Kanto.

Therefore, trainers will have to go a little out of their way to find a Leaf Stone.

Ways to obtain a Leaf Stone in Pokemon Legends: Arceus

There are three ways that trainers can find a Leaf Stone in the Hisui region, but some require more effort.

Trainers can trade Merit Points for a Leaf Stone in Jubilife Village, they can get one for free after completing a quest, or one can drop in a Space-Time Distortion.

To get a free Leaf Stone, trainers will need to complete the “Which is the Real Burmy?” quest. This mission involves catching three different types of Burmy (Plant Cloak, Sandy Cloak, and Trash Cloak).

Hisuian Voltorb needs a Leaf Stone to evolve into Hisuian Electrode in Pokemon Legends: Arceus (Image via Game Freak)

To unlock the quest, trainers will have to find Leif, Duna, and Tarush. They will be lounging around Jubilife Village, discussing which Burmy version is the real one.

Each specific Burmy has high spawn rates in one of the areas in Hisui. Plant Cloak Burmy shows up in Obsidian Fieldlands, while Sandy Cloak Burmy is usually found in Crimson Mirelands. Meanwhile, Trash Cloak Burmy is located in the Cobalt Coastlands.

Once the trainer finds all three and reports back to Jubilife Village, they will get a Leaf Stone.

To trade for a Leaf Stone in Jubilife Village, trainers will need 1,000 merit points. These points are acquired through collecting lost satchels around the overworld. One thousand points may seem like a lot, but hopefully, trainers have been collecting them during their playthroughs.

The least reliable way to find a Leaf Stone is through Space-Time Distortions. These distortions take a while to spawn to begin with, and once they do, there’s no guarantee that a Leaf Stone will drop. Some evolution items will drop, but they are randomized.

Now, why should Pokemon trainers go through all this trouble to get a Leaf Stone in the first place? Well, without one, they won’t be able to evolve Hisuian Voltorb into Hisuian Electrode.

Additionally, the Leaf Stone is used to evolve Eevee into Leafeon. However, trainers can also head to Mossy Rock in Obsidian Fieldlands for that evolution.

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