Is WWE NXT Superstar Xyon Quinn related to Roman Reigns?

Publish date: 2024-05-23

Roman Reigns' rise from footballer-turned-rookie to Undisputed WWE Universal Champion is well-documented. Over at NXT, Xyon Quinn seems to be on the same path, having started as a professional rugby player before shifting to pro wrestling.

Before he arrived in NXT, Quinn used to play as a winger in the NRL. He represented teams like the Canberra Raiders, Brisbane Broncos, St. George Illawarra Dragons, and Gold Coast Titans. His time in the Super League and the international stage saw him play for the Salford Red Devils and Samoa, respectively.

If the region of Samoa makes you think of The Tribal Chief, you have been paying attention to the minor details WWE tells you. This also begs the question of whether Quinn and Reigns are related. If you are searching for the answer to that question, we have it right here.

Xyon Quinn and Roman Reigns, unfortunately, do not share any relationship. Looking at Quinn's Samoan tattoo, it is easy to speculate that he is related to Reigns and his family, but that is not the case.

The NXT Superstar's real name is Daniel Vidot and he was born in Brisbane, Australia. While not much is known about his parents, Quinn is reportedly of Samoan and Irish descent. He debuted in NXT on April 24, 2020 and WWE trademarked his name in October that year.

Meanwhile, Reigns' real name is Leati Joseph "Joe" Anoa'i and he hails from Pensacola, Florida. He is the son of WWE Hall of Famer Sika and is part of the famous Anoa'i Family of wrestlers.

While fans have been made aware of other members, there haven't been any reports linking Quinn to the Anoa'i Family. So, it's safe to say Reigns and Xyon aren't related.

Have Xyon Quinn and Roman Reigns ever crossed paths?

Roman Reigns is currently the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion and is the face of the company. He rules the main roster with an iron fist and has the members of his Bloodline do his bidding. Even though he has crossed paths with many superstars, Xyon Quinn hasn't had that privilege.

Quinn is currently honing his craft in NXT and is yet to be called to the main roster. He is a rising star on the show and has talent in spades. The former rugby player will receive his opportunity at some point down the road, but he'll do well to steer clear of The Head of the Table.

One can only speculate what might happen should Roman Reigns and Quinn ever meet. The most appealing option seems to be the former accepting his younger colleague into The Bloodline as an Honorary Uce like Sami Zayn.

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