Jessica Mulroney went on antidepressants after being racist to Sasha Exeter

Publish date: 2024-04-25

Jessica Mulroney looks elegant in NYC

I don’t have the energy to recap everything that’s happened with Jessica Mulroney this year. I actually went back and read my coverage of Jessica’s racist sh-t against Sasha Exeter, and it made me really mad all over again. The broad strokes: Jessica is a total Karen, she made Exeter’s BLM calls-to-action all about her white woman tears, Jessica threatened Sasha’s livelihood, and then when Sasha called her out, Jessica threatened to sue her, then Jessica cried white woman tears and told Sasha that they both had a responsibility to make things better. Jessica lost all of her jobs and she spent months stewing and making an Enemies List and trying to make feeble comeback attempts, all of which have fallen flat. Basically, Jessica Mulroney has mishandled everything from the start from a PR perspective, and she’s spent months reinforcing the idea in the public’s mind that she’s a clueless, racist, privileged brat who refuses to really own her mistakes and truly apologize for anything.

Anyway, Page Six had some coverage about the Mulroneys and there was some new info, including a new interview they did with the National Post. This is probably the most sympathetic pieces I’ve read about Jessica this year, but even then… well, just read these highlights:

Jessica was left suicidal: Breaking her silence about the situation, Mulroney told The Post: “I still feel a lot of shame. I feel that people believe the worst in me.” Friends revealed that Mulroney, who works with stars including Mindy ­Kaling, was put on heavy antidepressants. “Jessica has always been very open about dealing with anxiety since she was 12,” said a source close to Mulroney. “But the anxiety turned into severe depression and suicidal thoughts.”

Her mother had to come over to care for her: The source said: “Jess couldn’t talk without crying. She didn’t feel like herself on the meds and she didn’t want to talk to anyone. She could barely respond to a text message.” Her husband, Ben, who quit his job as a TV presenter, told a pal: “I would wake up and Jess wouldn’t be in bed, and my mind would go to the worst.”

The backstory on Jessica’s attack on Sasha Exeter: Jessica told The Post that she had been privately speaking to Exeter for two weeks before the latter posted her video. “Sasha wrote to me directly and said ‘shaking my head,’ and I said ‘Why are you shaking your head?’” Mulroney recalled. “She accused me of ignoring what was going on in the world [by posting non-BLM content].” Mulroney said she told ­Exeter that she was contractually obligated to post for the season ­finale of “I Do, Redo.” “It’s not like I have never spoken out about racism before, especially when it comes to Meghan,” she added.

Jessica was so upset that her actions & words had consequences: Days later, Exeter posted her video and all hell broke loose. Every company Mulroney worked with dropped her — without launching any investigations, she told The Post. “I had a hard time dealing with the fact that a network like CTV [and] the companies I’ve worked with for many years — and journalists, some of which were my friends — spoke with incredible authority on what they believed had happened without even contacting me. I think that hurt the most.”

Jessica’s superpower: As Mulroney’s life crumbled, her husband’s on-air colleague Elaine Lui accused her of using Markle as her “superpower.” Mulroney disagrees. “CTV would ask me to go on shows and talk about Meghan; I refused,” she told The Post. “I don’t call that a superpower. I call it protecting my friend.” Sources confirm that Mulroney has it put into contracts that she will not talk about Markle.

Whether Meghan is still close to Jessica: A source in Markle’s social crowd told The Post that, before the Exeter incident, friends had grown “concerned” about Mulroney’s affluent image of social media. The source added that Markle and Mulroney’s “friendship is not what it was once, but it’s not because of [Exeter]. They’ve just grown apart. Of course, Meghan has been worried about Jess. She’ll always have love for her.”

Jessica on Meghan: Asked if Markle had been in touch, Mulroney replied: “She constantly Facetimes and checks up on me.”

Jessica is tapering her meds: Now, Mulroney is tapering her meds, friends said, and focusing on charity work. “I know I have a charmed life,” Mulroney said. “I have to learn from all of this — but I am not racist. I just want to try to move on from this.”

[From Page Six]

Whew. A few things – Jessica is so stupidly coy about what Lainey said about her “superpower” being Meghan. Jessica absolutely used her friendship with Meghan to her own advantage, but of course Jessica had it in her contracts that she wouldn’t dish about Meghan. Jessica didn’t have to dish – she had already spread it around for years that she was Meghan’s stylist and best friend. And Jessica is STILL using Meghan’s name as some kind of deflection shield in this interview! Even when sources are like “Meghan and Jessica are not BFFs anymore,” Jessica is still using Meghan and their friendship.

As for the “suicidal thoughts” and the antidepressants… on that, I feel sorry for Jessica. It must be awful to be in the middle of that kind of huge international story and to feel your career and social circle fall off a cliff. But… it all happened because Jessica was a racist a–hole to a Black influencer. It happened because of Jessica’s words and actions. And she’s still trying to convince us that she’s the victim, not Sasha.

Meghan Markle's BFF Jessica Mulroney arrives at the Polo Bar for dinner in NYC

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
