Pete Wentz gets huge tattoo of friends face for losing bet

Publish date: 2024-06-04


Boys. Sigh. When they’re not building their own man caves they’re tattooing each other’s faces on their calves. Barely a day goes by when I don’t see some dude in a tattoo parlor getting the face of another dude permanently inked on his arm. It’s like… when is this gonna stop? Okay, so it’s not exactly a trend yet, but I sure am hoping it becomes one. Pete Wentz got the face of his friend, Cobra Starship frontman Gabe Saporta, tattooed on his upper ankle/lower calf. That’s some masculine confidence right there. Why? Well for the natural reason guys do dumb things: Pete lost a bet.

Fall Out Boy’s Pete Wentz isn’t just a friend to Cobra Starship frontman Gabe Saporta — he’s also his label boss and friendly rival. As a result, the two have been maintaining a prank war for the past few months, culminating in a recent victory for Saporta. Paying up on a bet he made a few months ago, Wentz got a new tattoo on his leg — a tattoo of Saporta’s face.

“Well, I promised Gabe if ‘Good Girls Go Bad’ went platinum, I would let him pick a tattoo to put on me,” Wentz said in a statement. “A man with such humble beginnings, of course, chose a self-portrait.” As a result, there is now a permanent mark on Wentz’s calf that features Saporta’s face and the inscription “Gabey Baby Made Me Go Bad.”

This is merely the latest shot in the public prank war that has been going on between Wentz and Saporta for months. Last month at the MTV Video Music Awards, Wentz wore a T-shirt that revealed Saporta’s phone number, and while he was unable to reveal all the digits on the live broadcast, Saporta’s number still got out there, forcing him to change it.

Saporta struck back a few weeks ago at Los Premios MTV, where he announced Wentz’s e-mail address (in Spanish!) during the broadcast.

For those keeping score at home, Saporta is definitely in the lead, though according to Wentz, there may still be more to come. “I held through with the bet,” Wentz said. “But let’s see if Gabe holds through with his end of the bet if Hot Mess goes gold.”

[From MTV]

Sometimes I enjoy dumb guy stories and sometimes not so much. This one is sorta in the middle. At least Pete stayed true to his word. It’d just be funnier if Pete weren’t known for doing dumb and outlandish stuff. But since he is, it’s sorta like, “Meh. What else did he do today?” I do like that Gabe got to pick the tattoo, and picked his own face. He’s clearly meant for stardom with an ego like that.

Hopefully Pete will bring the spirit of tattoo betting into his role as a parent. He can bet Bronx that he can’t finish cleaning his room in half an hour, and if he does Pete’ll get a buttefly tattoo on his chest. Things like that. Once he runs out of room, he can move on to piercings. Not something he’s ever going to regret, I’m sure.

Thanks to Pete’s Twitter for the picture.
