Railway rapist Troy Allan Burley has jail sentence extended for raping inmate

Publish date: 2024-05-04

A serial rapist’s jail sentence has been extended after being found guilty of raping a terrified young inmate while watching the royal wedding on TV.

Troy Allan Burley made his victim, a 21-year-old man who was in prison for the first time, perform “vile, gross and degrading” acts that left him traumatised and humiliated.

The 41-year-old has spent the majority of his adult life in prison for attacking four women in the mid-1990s, with his sadistic crimes earning him the title, the Ipswich railway rapist.

He was due to be released in February but has now had his sentence extended by seven years.

The attacks started in May 2018 at the Wolston Correctional Centre near Brisbane.

During the week-long trial, the court heard how Burley forced the young inmate to perform oral sex on him three times and would often walk into the man’s room naked and make him endure a range of lewd acts.

One rape occurred while Burley was watching the royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Judge Jennifer Rosengren spoke about how the victim was too terrified to lock his door because of what Burley might do to him if he tried to resist the sickening attacks.

“(The victim) talked to the fact that you would repeatedly bite him as a form of punishment … and that you threatened him on numerous occasions that if he did lock his door, that there would be physical punishment,” she said.

In a harrowing victim impact statement, the 21-year-old victim told the court that he often cried himself to sleep.

“The impact is traumatic and widespread. I was extremely trapped in the situation that I did not know how to get out of,” he said in a victim impact statement read to the court.

“I was used as a sex object and exploited. I have never felt so scared of anyone as I was him.”

“His actions were calculated, predatory and violent and will leave an everlasting indent on me for the rest of my life.”

The convicted sex offender pleaded not guilty to the charges and sobbed in court as Judge Rosengren reviewed his terrifying history.

She drew similarities between the past attacks and his most recent crimes, including biting, forced oral sex and masturbation.

Burley’s heinous attacks on four women in the 1990s were all carried out at railway stations.

He would grab them from behind, cover their faces and taunt them during the sickening attacks.

Burley used a knife and threatened to kill them if they went to police.

He demanded to know where the victims lived and if they had children because he would “enjoy having sex with little girls”.

He was sentenced to 20 years in prison in 1997 and was released on parole in 2015.

After being released he moved to Redcliffe with his partner and changed his appearance by bulking up and shaving his head.

An investigation by The Sunday Mail at the time found Burley had joined multiple online dating sites and was lying about his sickening past.

Under the username “mcdaddy78”, he said he was interested in “casual encounters” to “see what happens”.

“I am a very passionate man and treat a lady well. Just on here to have some fun at first,” the profile read.

Under his parole conditions Burley was obligated to tell women who he became intimate with about his past.

The publication revealed he connected with multiple women from the websites and lied about his name, his career and told them be despised sex attackers.

He was arrested over the breach of bail and sent back to jail.

Burley had been out of jail for just three months and had repeatedly violated his parole conditions.

Another time while out on parole he was convicted of property offences, including the theft of underwear.

Now instead of being allowed out on the streets once more in a few months’ time, Burley will serve another prison term.

He was sentenced to a total of six years for three sexual assaults on his victim to run concurrently with the seven-year term for three rapes.

The court heard Burley saw his partner of 10 years about once a month but had no contact with his family or daughters.
