What is Pat Mcafee's rating in Madden?

Publish date: 2024-04-12

Pat McAfee is currently providing some great commentary alongside Michael Cole on SmackDown. He is a key part of Friday night and a big reason why the show is such a blast to watch. He brings a certain level of energy to the table every week, which has defined him throughout his life.

Before working for WWE, McAfee used to play in the National Football League. He was an accomplished football punter and kickoff specialist. During his eight-year tenure in the NFL, Mr. Pat appeared in two Pro Bowls. He retired from the sport in 2017 and now works as a football analyst.

The Madden series is a gaming franchise that serves as the best football simulation on consoles and other gaming devices today. It puts together active players in the NFL and allows gamers to play the sport as their heroes.

McAfee himself had been a part of the games until his retirement. If you want to know how highly he was rated in them, we have the answer for you right here.

The last Madden game that Pat McAfee appeared in was Madden 17. He is the top-rated punter in the game, with an overall rating of 86. He is ahead of players like Brett Kern (85), Sam Koch (84), Tress Way (83), and Thomas Morstead (83). He boasts some great stats like 97 kick power, 98 kick accuracy, and 68 tackle.

Pat McAfee dislikes the Madden games

McAfee may have appeared in multiple Madden games, but he is not a big fan of the series. He has gone on record numerous times to express his thoughts and has never held back once.

Indeed, McAfee has put the Madden franchise on blast for their commercials and the lack of significant changes over the years. Many fans have supported him for echoing their sentiments.

In a recent episode of The Pat McAfee Show, he passionately addressed why he is not impressed with EA as of late.

"To be fair, though, they (Madden players) love the NFL, they love video games, they love everything so much," McAfee said. "But you have....you decided 'I'm gonna let go of this thing that's let me down'. There seems to be an anchor once a year, and it's my excitement level being ruined by a company that I've never met any of the humans that are doing anything for it not upgrading it to what I would have hoped at this point with the amount of money that I've invested into this franchise." (0:27 - 0:56)

Check the full clip below:

These are some sharp words from the current SmackDown commentator, but we can't help but appreciate his brutal honesty and passion.

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