When a 3-time WWE champion openly revealed what he thought about kissing Rey Mysterio's daughter

Publish date: 2024-05-01

AEW star Buddy Matthews (fka Buddy Murphy) once disclosed how uncomfortable he was while kissing Rey Mysterio's daughter during a WWE storyline.

Buddy Matthews is considered a gifted talent in the realm of wrestling. He is currently signed with AEW, where he continues to impress everyone with his in-ring capabilities. Matthews had a brief tenure in WWE as well prior to his release in 2021.

During his WWE run, Matthews was once involved in a storyline with Rey Mysterio and his family, where he also was romantically paired onscreen with Rey's daughter, Aalyah Mysterio. During the storyline, Buddy also had to kiss Aalyah in front of her family.

While talking to Chris Van Vliet on Insights, Buddy Matthews revealed that he was not really comfortable kissing Aalyah, and he also had an argument with the producers regarding the same while the story was being pitched. Here is what Buddy revealed:

“I wasn’t comfortable kissing Aalyah. I did that because it was my job and it was going to create more drama in the story. Originally, there was no kiss scripted. They [the producers] went and they talked to Vince about something. They come back and they pitch it to me but they are kind of weird. Then they say ‘…and then you kiss her.’ I start laughing and [said] go ‘f*** off.’ But then they are like ‘No we are serious.’"

He further said:

"I’m like ‘What does she [Aalyah] think about it.’ They go, ‘She’s cool with it.’ I’m like ‘What!’ They went to her first, I thought she was going to shoot it down. So then I go ‘What about Rey?’ They say ‘They’re OK with it?’ I’m like well if they are OK with it, I can’t be the one that goes whatever." [H/T Cageside Seats]

Buddy Matthews recently got engaged to the WWE Superstar, Rhea Ripley

Buddy Matthews and WWE's current Women's World Champion Rhea Ripley have been dating for a long time. The couple also often share snippets of them together. Recently, they finally got engaged, and the couple made the announcement on social media.

The wrestling world is delighted to hear the news, as Buddy and Ripley are considered a power couple. Although neither are in the same promotion, they continue to rise in the ranks and accomplish accolades in their respective companies.

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